Mission Statement
The Lind House Association
The Lind House Association Inc. began as a group of concerned citizens dedicated to the purchase, restoration, renovation and utilization of the John Lind House. Its members officially incorporated in August 1983 under Section 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. The Lind House Association purchased the house in June of 1984 with money from legislative funding, a Minnesota Historical Society grant and private donations.
By early 1987, the Association paid $40,000 towards the $46,500 purchase price of the house. They had expended approximately $80,000 and innumerable volunteer hours towards restoring the deteriorating landmark to its original picturesque charm. During the restoration stages, the house was available the public for tours. This included sponsoring educational programs by providing a visual aide for understanding a locally significant segment of history. Today, the John Lind House is once again the center for many social and cultural functions.