Board of Directors
The stately John Lind House is operated by the Board of Directors of the Lind House Association, a 501c3 nonprofit organization. This board includes members of the community who have experience in historic homes, history, community outreach and development. We are grateful to this group of individuals who tirelessly devote their time to the betterment and preservation of the John Lind House.
Tenure and Qualifications
The Lind House Association is fortunate to have a Board of Directors that help to guide the workings of the home. The Board meets once a month and is responsible for the overall policy and direction of the Lind House Association. It delegates responsibility for day-to-day operations to the officers, committees, Executive Director, and any other staff of the John Lind House.
Directors are a minimum age of 18 years, members in good standing of the Lind House Association, and must attend at least three meetings per year. The Board consists of no less than twelve and no more than fifteen Directors. All of the Directors are elected by the members to a three-year term of office and serve a maximum of two consecutive terms.
Apply for Board Position

PRESIDENT John Shikoski
VICE PRESIDENT Kay Burnett-Martin
John Shikoski
Kay Burnett-Martin
Dean Zimmerli
Jayne Maday-Hulke
Jodi Marti
Kathy Rathmann
Sandy Reinke
Mary Lou Serbus
Mark Dauer
Deb Zahn
Carolyn Varland
Kelsey Preisinger