Dinner for Ten Sweepstakes
Enter the Annual Dinner for Ten Sweepstakes today! The lucky winner and nine friends will be guests of the John Lind House on a date of their choosing. An elegant 4-course dinner will be provided. Tickets are $2 each. No purchase is necessary to be eligible and a purchase will not increase the odds of winning.
The drawing will be held at the Cocktails with the Governor event. Winner need not be present to win. Tickets were included with your membership newsletter. If you need additional tickets, please contact a Board Member or Lind House Staff at lindhouse@newulmtel.net.
Great Food & Conversation, Lots of Laughter
The Lind House Association is delighted to announce that Mary McClellan is the 2017 winner of our Annual Dinner for Ten Sweepstakes! Mary and her friends will share an evening of casual conversation and dine on four courses of a delectable gourmet dinner.
PAST WINNERS Mary McClellan 2017, Ruth McCrea 2013, Barb Haroldson 2012